Types of Care offered at Shaws Wood:
- Day Care Centre (See Day Care Section)
- Dementia Care
- End of Life Care
- Respite Care
- Care for older Adults with Frailties
Long Term Care
Each resident is helped to exercise freedom of choice and make informed decisions about their lifestyle and daily activities. Residents are supported and encouraged to maintain their independence and to continue with past-times and where possible with community links. A number of community groups and churches visit Shaws Wood on a regular basis, however, we are always ready to welcome more into our ‘Shaws Wood Family.’
Activities Family Time
We have an extensive activity program and encourage residents to participant in activity sessions. ‘Shaws Wood Family Time’ is a time set aside each afternoon to allow the family within the home (carers, residents, friends and families if they choose) to come together and share time undertaking social activities such as ‘active armchairs’, Karaoke, Bingo, pampering sessions, church services from a number of local faith groups, communion, arts and crafts, movie shows.
Respite Care
Residents requiring respite care can be admitted to the Home for a period of one to four weeks, depending on individual requirements. Respite care can allow an individual to be cared for and to recuperate in a caring and homely environment. Or respite care can allow a carer to have a much needed rest with the knowledge that their loved one is being cared for in a safe and homely environment.