Day Care Centre
A safe supportive group environment for the elderly who need care during the day.
At Shaws Wood Day Care Centre we offer relief for carers and family members who are caring for the elderly in their own home, as well as offering the elderly a chance to get out of the house, socialise and participate in fun activities with others. We offer support to people who may be isolated, housebound or suffer from Dementia or memory loss. The mix of care, activity and company is beneficial for both physical and mental health. Other services such as hairdressing and chiropody can be booked for an additional cost.
Our carers will assist you and join you to enjoy a wide range of activities and hobbies to suit you, including jigsaw puzzles, a variety of art and craft, reading and listening to music. For those who are more able, gentle exercise or a spot of gardening in one of our two outside garden areas can be enjoyed. Along with that comes the opportunity to make new friends.
Reminiscence activities, crosswords, quizzes, and creative activities all open up ways for people to communicate and express themselves. We welcome suggestions for new activities, and these can be introduced at any time to suit attendees.
When it comes to food, everyone enjoys the social aspect of midmorning coffee and biscuits, a two course cooked lunch and afternoon tea and cakes. Food is freshly cooked by our own chef and specialist diets can be catered for. (Visitors/carers eat for £5.)
Shaws Wood Day Care Centre is open from 10 am to 4 pm each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There is ample parking available at Shaws Wood and we are able to offer transport locally via our minibus .
Day Care costs £30 per day, inclusive of refreshments and meals.
For more information or an application form, please phone 07442530412 or email